It's Not About The Science, The Evidence or What's Logical
My favorite arguments against gender woo.
Writes Best Friends and Worst Enemies
29 min ago·edited 2 min ago
I’ve read so many brilliant, logical, well-thought-out, scrupulously evidenced, copiously linked and even footnoted pieces denying the illogic of the gender cult lately. I bow down to them, one and all. Y’all are amazing. No wonder they won’t debate you.
But logical arguments are pointless in this fight. Trans and woke activists don't fight with logic, they fight with emotions, with aggression, with intimidation, with the sheer quantity of crapola they are dispensing and the speed with which it is dispensed. Your treatise even if not buried in bullshit will be useless when no one reads it because they've been captivated by the heartstrings and cowed by bullying.
We don't need logic in the day-to-day of this fight anyway. What we need is to trust our gut and stand up strongly for what we believe, with feeling, common sense, and plain language. We need to be willing to say, "No, they're men. You're trying to deny the obvious. We can all see and hear that they are men. Loud, aggressive, male-pattern-behavior men. They are literally not women. If you want to indulge their fantasy that's your private business, you've no right to force or pressure anyone to participate."
“Laws on gender and bathrooms? Changed birth certificates? GRCs? They're legal fictions. They don’t change reality, what is obvious to everybody! All the differences between men and women that actually matter - bodies, having babies, size, strength, speed, bone structure, metabolism, assertive/aggressive behavior patterns, legal status (in most places still) - none of them change when a man puts on lipstick and a wig and changes his name.”
Say it, keep saying it, do not retreat from it one inch, do not let yourself be put on the defensive about it. Stay on the attack, point out the reality and how ridiculous it is to deny it.
When they say "The science actually says--" We just say "We don't need a scientist to know what a man is, you're trying to deny the obvious."
When they start calling us bigots and hateful, we just say "You are trying to deny reality. Reality isn't hateful, it just is. The sky is not green, and men are not women. You are trying to bully us."
When they accuse us, we accuse them back.
When they say "Why do you care it doesn't affect you!!" We say "Why are you denying reality? Everyone cares about what's real - except you!"
When they yell "We exist!" "Genocide!" "You're literally murdering us!!" We say "Yes you exist! As the sex you're born as, which doesn't change! It's doesn't kill you to admit that! Don't be so dramatic!"
If they trot out BS suicide info, we say "That's a myth! You know who threatens suicide if they don't get their way? Abusive narcissists, that's who! Suicides go UP after people transition”!! (that's actually true)
If they start talking about how trans people have been around forever, we say "Of course! We've had men who wanted to be women for as long there have been men and women! Women are totally awesome, why wouldn’t they? People come up with all kinds of things to believe, they always have! What's your point?"
When they say "Trans women never hurt anyone!" we say "Trans women are men, and men hurt a lot of women - that's why we have separate spaces away from them! Do you think they magically lose their male tendencies when they put on a dress?"
If the wokies start blabbing about straight bigotry and intersectional privilege, just point out "Why haven't you noticed that nearly all trans activists are white males from upper income backgrounds? Why haven't you recognized that womanhood is just the latest thing that narcissistic white men are colonizing?"
When they start in with the pronouns, we say "I use pronouns based in reality and correct grammar. I think we all know what those are. When they push this issue say "THAT'S how I identify, please respect that." The minute they start guilt-tripping or pressuring, accuse them of bullying and making the space unsafe. Keep bringing it back to "reality". Don't qualify it with "my reality" or "material reality". Lay your claim to that word "reality", don't be budged, refuse to accept their attempts to pretend it doesn't matter or that it means something else.
Never try to answer their BS questions, they are only saying them to put you on your back heel and to take control, they don't care what the answers are. They are trying to put you in a place where you are being reactive rather than pro-active. It's bullying. It's controlling. It's gaslighting. Brush it aside as the lame, petty, insane BS that it is.
You can do it! We all can do it!
I like the cut of your jib. And agreed--no amount of logic will convince them, because "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into" (Some Guy On the Interwebs, Some Date).
Being plainspoken and blunt is the best policy.
Oh, and mockery where suited. Authoritarians HATE it! =D
You will now be accused of violence. I agree 100% with everything you stated. Time to go on the offensive. This will get me accused of promoting violence, for drawing a hard line in the sand. This is more of trying to break down boundaries. I wouldn't argue or debate with a flat-earther. Debating the cult members makes it look like they have some credibility.