Studies Suggest Trans Desistance/Detransition Rate Could Exceed 50%
More red flags flying over the recent transgender trend
I’m not sure how we missed this study published last year that followed 952 U.S. military-family patients who started on cross-sex hormones, but it’s a doozy.
Within 4 years, 30% of them had discontinued the treatment.
I don’t have access to the full article, so it’s unclear to me how much effort the study authors made to account for people who may only have appeared to discontinue because they left the military medical system, but even so, that number is significant.
No doubt there will be those who will argue that military-family culture is not representative of U.S. culture as a whole, but that really just amounts to speculation. The confirmation will come with more studies, if they reproduce the results of this one.
In any case, that data combined with this study on 100 detransitioners which shows that 50% of them took longer than 4 years to decide to detransition, suggests that if the desistance/detransition rate is 30% after 4 years, it could eventually go as high as 60%.
That the detransitioner study also noted that less than a quarter of them ever even informed their clinics that they had changed their minds, gives a clue as to why up to this point the data on transition regret coming from the clinics has put it in the vicinity of 1%.
Another clue is this affidavit from the St. Louis Children’s Hospital gender clinic whistleblower, who noted her clinic’s doctors’ active disinterest in knowing whether their patients ended up sticking with their transition. It’s easy to say “No reports of regret!” when you don’t actually follow up with them!
Still more evidence can be found on the online detransitioners’ forum, which internet archives show has doubled in size in the past year.
For a treatment that causes profound and irreversible changes to the body, such a high rate of second thoughts and regret is a HUGE red flag.
Jamie Reed's affidavit provides quite the picture of not just disinterest but callous disregard of patients after the profitable surgeries completed...